Lil Caliph


Wednesday 29 August 2012

1st Check Up

Assalamualaikum & Good Day readers..

i went to Klinik Desa near my house in Kulim for my 1st check up
untuk buat buku pink..hehe
ya Allah lama kemainnye nak menunggu giliran..
i think i waited for about 2 hours baru dia panggil..T_T
Alhamdulillah semua ok..

Week 9th
Weight : 51.1 kg
Bp : 110/60
HB : 15.9

guess what, nurse tu cakap first time dia jumpe org yg hb tinggi gle mcm i
normally org dlm 11/12
so dia kt bagus la..
owh btw b4 kawen hr tu i x buat talasemia test,
masa i tanya nurse tu
dia kata ur possibility untuk dapat talasemia rendah 
coz ur hb tinggi gle..

then nurse bagi information about early pregnancy and all
penjagaan yadayadayada..check sana sini..
and interview sket bout my family punya health history..
since my dad ada 4 penyakit berangkai tu..
so i have to go for OGTT which i have no idea apa nama panjang dia..pfttt...
i kena buat OGTT ni kat klinik kesihatan plak..
which is on the 4th of sept..

owh btw, i dikira pesakit risiko tinggi..
coz me myself ada asthma since born..
so have to check with pakar dekat hospital
see banyak gila tempat kena p..
monthly check up kat klinik desa..
which is good..sbb tmpt ni datang by appointment..
so x la tunggu sampai setengah hari baru nk panggil nama kan..
then for simple test like OGTT buat kat klinik kesihatan..
then for pakar punya confirmation, scan and all kat hospital..T_T
kalau hospital kerajaan tahu la kan bape 'tahun' nak kena tunggu..
but its all for the xpe la..korban sket..

masa before balik tu, nurse akan bagi acid folic
coz during 1st trimester,
its important to consume acid folic in order to avoid any complication for the babies..
acid folic ni baik untuk pembentukan nerves..
sbb masa 1st trimester tu adalah masa nerves baby nk develop..
and nurse ada ckp acid folic boleh di ambil 6 months before u pregnant..
and i did asked silly question, "camne nk th ble kita nak pregnant?"
dia kata ambil la 6 months before kt kawen,
assume yg masa kt kawen tu kt akan pregnant..kihkihkih
but jgn pk acid folic confirm boleh buat kita pregnant.
acid folic ni juz boleh tingkatkan kesuburan je..ok?

more info on kebaikan folic acid boleh refer sini

Love, D